You are automatically added to the Canvas course area after you register for FRC courses, even if they are not online courses. You do not need to create a Canvas account or add yourself to a course area. There may be up to a 24 hour delay between registering for a course and being added to the Canvas course area. If you can't access Canvas after 24 hours check your registration and contact your instructor.
The link to Canvas can be found by clicking on "FRC Online" on the FRC main website, or you can go to .
You must have a working FRC email account to get into Canvas. Use your FRC email login information to get into Canvas. This is the same "network account" you use to access lab computers on campus. Click HERE to go to the form for requesting a new FRC network/email account or to change your password.
For most students your username will be the first part of your FRC email address.
If you have problems with your FRC email account, find out your options in the FAQ on FRC email problems.
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