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I don't see my course in Canvas. What do I do?


There are several reasons why you may not see your online course area in Canvas right away.

(1) Your instructor has not made it visible to students yet.  Check with your instructor to verify it has been made available to students.

(2) You are viewing your dashboard and you haven't selected what courses you want to see when you first login.  Go to the Courses link on the left and click "All Courses."  Click the star next to a course to make it visible on  your dashboard. This is a convenience, not a requirement.

(3) There is a delay between registering for a course and your enrollment information being uploaded to Canvas. Even though your registration appears on your schedule, it may not be added to Canvas yet.  Allow at least 24 hours after registration to see your course area in Canvas.

(4) There may be a problem with your registration. Check your schedule in myFRC, contact your instructor to verify you are on their roster, or contact the Admissions office to verify you are properly registered.

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Article details
Article ID: 54
Category: Canvas Basics
Views: 628

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